The cycle of an effective email marketing strategy is constantly changing. Each year we learn about new trends that are gaining momentum. These trends help us bring in more customers and make a larger profit. But, when everyone in the game is trying to market themselves, it’s important to try and get ahead. If you’re able to get a head start on your email marketing strategy, you’ll have time to re-adjust your method and do your research as you go along. And, hopefully, you’ll bring in customers quicker than your competition.
Here’s how you get ahead on next year’s email marketing strategy.
Set One Target Goal and Allocate Money Accordingly
With each new year in your business should come a new budget. As technology grows and cyber security becomes more and more of a serious concern, deciding where to allocate money is no walk in the park. That being said, when it comes to your 2017 email marketing strategy, allocating money to one particular goal is the way to go. This way, you’ll have a stronger and more reliable strategy to work with, hopefully for months to come.
But, what kind of goals are we talking about? Well, one could be to have a better platform for reaching out to your customers via email. With The Mission Suite, we can make that decision really easy for you, without actually breaking too much into your budget. Another goal could be to invest in more eye-friendly design templates for your emails.
Mobile Devices Take the Lead
If you’ve been wondering about the future of mobile device marketing, wonder no more. The use of mobile devices is only going to grow in the coming year. Therefore, as a marketer for your company, you need to continue making your emails as mobile-friendly as possible. It’s safe to assume that a majority of your emails will be read on mobile devices as opposed to a computer. The more you design your emails to be read on mobile devices, the better shape you’ll be in.
And, we’re not just talking about weekly newsletters, either. We’re talking about giving customers an easy way to make purchases via emails, via their mobile devices. They should be able to buy something on their lunch break, or while they’re walking to work.
What’s the key to doing this? Creating emails with a responsive design that’s readable on all browsers and apps.
Don’t Forget About Those Leads
It’s likely that over the last year, especially over the last few months, that you’ve obtained some potential leads. One way to get ahead on your 2017 email marketing strategy is by continuing to reach out to these leads so you can push for conversions. As always, it’s important to remember methods that won’t land your emails in the trash folder.
The leads that are just getting to know your company, whether they’ve recently made their first purchase or they simply liked you on Facebook, need to be reeled in. Come January, make sure you focus on sending out those personalized emails to your leads whenever you get the chance.
Wondering how you’re going to be able to implement your email marketing strategy next year? Request a demo with Mission Suite to see how we can make it as easy for you as we can.